Anyone There?

So, I don’t know if anyone still follows this blog anymore…yikes!

But for those that do…or did…or…well, whatever. If you’d like an explanation as to where I’ve been, stop over at the anonymous blog I had running for the last nine months. I abandoned this blog because I couldn’t hide a part of myself on here and continue to write. Most family and friends were not aware, and since I had shared my blog with the “real world,” I felt the need to censor myself. In a desperate attempt to not feel so alone, I started an infertility/recurrent pregnancy loss blog. After two miscarriages in 2013, my husband, John, and I pursued fertility treatments earlier this year to get us the baby we so desired.

And, of course, I have now decided to “reboot” my normal “real-life” blogging again. This blog seems kind of dead…and I’m in a different place than I was then so I am starting a new blog picking up from where that one left off.

So, feel free to either catch up or follow the new blog—or both! I’ll be following you all with my new blog soon! 🙂

100 Happy Days Friday—MEGA Edition!


It’s that time of the week again!

I am a participant of the 100 Happy Days Challenge. To learn more about what I’m talking about, visit the first entry I posted on March 14th!

For the last three weeks, I may not have been posting them here, but I was still going strong with the challenge!! Below you will find all of the photos documenting the happy in each day.

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The Chaos Begins…

I’m the worst blogger in the world.

I’ve barely spent a weekend at home. From my husband, to family, to friends, I’ve been spending time out and about and away from the confines of my couch, my computer, the intellectual part of my brain. And it’s been a relief. I know I told you guys I’d be back in the blogging game, but clearly I was lying. And now I’m like that guy that always says he’ll call and never does, and now you’re not going to believe me when I say I really am back—but I swear I am.

So let’s get down to house-business. Continue reading

How Is It Already the End of May?!

I know, I know. I disappeared again! I honestly don’t know where this month has gone. The school semester seemed to drag forever, and as soon as summer hit it’s like “Wham bam, thank you ma’am!”


The month is getting away from me in more ways than just this blog. I’m really falling behind with the house stuff. I called my realtor yesterday and left a message, asking for her help with the pre-approval stuff. That giant countdown clock is ticking away. September is going to be here sooner than we think.

And now I’m worried we waited too long.


I honestly think I ran myself into the ground with working and schooling full-time. Once school was over I just crashed. I had no energy to write, no energy to do anything but be a couch potato and catch up on my DVR. I’ve spent afternoons catching up with my best friend whom I haven’t seen much of this year, weekends seeing family and friends I haven’t seen in even longer. Spending time with my husband. And then of course, on top of everything, I came down with a terrible cold two weekends ago. I still have it!

I think my body kind of just went “Screw this!” and let my immune system take a vacation. I’ve been running on empty. And I’ve needed this month to just get myself readjusted and back down to earth. I’m hoping with one more weekend of a little R&R, I’ll be back to good-as-new condition!

Expect another double dose of Happy Days on Friday. It turns out that the source of my happiness is evidently booze, my cat, and Yankee Candle. And Dunkin’ Donuts coffee. Go figure!

And Now For the Big News…


We are definitely, 100% buying our first house THIS YEAR!!!

In fact, our hope is that we will buy it this summer (obviously) because our lease ends in September and we have to give them three months’ notice that we’re leaving. So next month, we will decline to renew our lease…and that’s it. The countdown will begin and that clock will start tick-tick-ticking!


So, I was excited to write this post and saw “We are pre-approved!” but that would have been a lie. Since talking to our realtor (that we get for free through USAA…unless that’s another misunderstanding, but whatever) on Friday, we’ve realized that all USAA did was pre-qualify us. See, a few weeks ago, I kindly asked my husband to call up USAA and ask them some questions about what they did for mortgages and stuff, because I work 9:00-5:00 and it’s hard for me to set aside time during business hours to call them.

Well that same day, he texts me and says we’re pre-approved. For $100k more than we anticipated, too! We were assigned a realtor, and a credit check was done, and we thought we were good.

Well my husband misunderstood (which is fine) and we’re not pre-approved. We are only pre-qualified. Which is apparently useless because a bank doesn’t actually accept a pre-qualification letter as valid proof of being able to take out a mortgage.

*insert heavy sigh here*

So first things first: we need to get pre-approved. The pre-qualification is probably pretty close to what we’ll be approved for, though, so that’s still pretty awesome.

And…that’s that! A huge step forward in our life together. It’s so exciting, and overwhelming, but in a good way. I’m ready to get out there and start attending open houses so we can find our little dream starter home.

Thanks for welcoming me back to the blogging world! I hope the summer’s adventures will keep you entertained…

100 Happy Days Friday—Double Edition!


It’s that time of the week again!

I am a participant of the 100 Happy Days Challenge. To learn more about what I’m talking about, visit the first entry I posted on March 14th!

I promised a few words on this challenge weeks ago, and I finally have the brainpower and time to do so! I’ve loved doing this challenge. I’m approaching the final quarter and still going strong (and considering trying to keep going past 100!).

It’s an interesting concept, to try and find something happy about every day. It hasn’t always been easy. As I’ve alluded to before, this year has been…interesting. A little difficult. I’ve got a lot on my plate lately. I’ve been stressed, busy, overwhelmed. Now that it’s summer, I have a second to breathe and I think I’ll start feeling more normal soon. But while I was working through this transition, I found the 100 Happy Days to be really helpful. Sure, some days I’m taking pictures of my cat. Or candy. Or…coffee. Actually, there are a lot of photos of candy, cats, and coffee. Turns out those three things make me very easily happy.

But the importance was in the fact that I was acknowledging whatever was making me happy that day. The challenge has made me stop and really focus on something every day. Even when I was having a particularly stressful or bad day, I still took a moment to photograph something. Anything. Even if it was the coffee that was keeping me awake. Because chances are, that coffee was delicious (ahem, Dunkin’ Donuts has cookie dough coffee, peoplecheck that stuff out) and it was raising my spirits by raising my energy. There you go: happiness, at its most basic form.

I’m so glad you’ve all been enjoying my 100 Happy Days posts. I didn’t expect them to be so well-received! And without further adieu, here is fourteen days’ worth of happy!

This week’s photographs are as follows, starting with last Friday’s (from two weeks ago)!

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Holy Crap! I’m Back! Is Anyone Still Here??

Photo Credit: Michael McCullough under this CC license.

Photo Credit: Michael McCullough under this CC license.

I did it! I’M FREE! I finished my first year of graduate school!! I am so…tired! Damn. I need a nap.

Nah, just kidding. I’ve had a lot of naps. And a lot of sleeping. And a lot of, just…watching TV on the couch. And in my bed. Netflix and I are in a serious relationship.

Phew. So is anyone still here?

I’ve somehow managed to gain a few followers in my incredible absence, however the hell that happened. I don’t think I dropped anyone. And if I did, well that sucks, but that’s life.


I seriously haven’t even looked at this blog, or the people I follow, in weeks. I uploaded that last 100 Happy Days post from my iPad (I know I’m overdue for last week’s, I’ll be doing a double-dose of happy this coming Friday) or something, which didn’t require me to really look at anything. Stats, followers, comments, blah blah blah. I know I need to catch up on some comments, and I will do that. I’m on it. I swear.

So anyway…like I said, I finished my first year of graduate school. WOW. I was really struggling for a while there. Getting very little sleep, seeing very little of my husband and family and friends. I was cranky all the time. Working and schooling full-time all at once is real hard work, guys! I don’t recommend it! Really!

And I finished that final project (my mom’s website) in the eleventh hour, on zero sleep for about three days. I fudged up my presentation pretty horribly, so that led to days of anxiety over whether or not I’d pull out a perfect grade in that class. But then, I got my grades on Monday. Two beautiful A’s, just what I wanted.

That’s right, people. This bitch still has a 4.0 GPA. Damn right, it still happened.

I’ve decided that I’m not taking summer classes this year since I seriously need a brain break, and I’ve got other things going on that will be keeping me plenty busy! But more on that later… *hint hint, come back soon*

I hope I still have readers! And I hope I can resurrect this blog from the dead. I’m contemplating doing a month-assessment since May 1st has come and gone, but maybe not. Maybe just focus on getting this baby back on its feet.

So there you have it, my friends. I’m back in the game. I’ll be back on Friday to share some happiness and photos with you, and then my next blog entry will have to do with what will be keeping me so busy this summer! (I’ll give you a hint: it has to do with money, and taping up boxes, and signing lots of papers!)

Ta-ta for now!

100 Happy Days Friday

It’s that time of the week again!

I am a participant of the 100 Happy Days Challenge. To learn more about what I’m talking about, visit the first entry I posted on March 14th!

This week’s photographs are as follows, starting with last Friday’s!

(And I’m sorry, but I have very little time to add anything substantial tonight. The countdown clock on the due date for my final project is ticking, and the next four days exist solely to serve this electronic publishing class. I promise—May 1st, I’ll be back into blogging full-friggin’-force, baby.)

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100 Happy Days Friday (on Sunday…?)

It’s that time of the week again!

I am a participant of the 100 Happy Days Challenge. To learn more about what I’m talking about, visit the first entry I posted on March 14th!

This week’s photographs are as follows, starting with last Friday’s!

And be sure to check in next week, because I want to do a little reflection next Friday on what this 100 Happy Days has been like and has meant to me, as I will hit the halfway mark between now and then!

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Original Photo © Samantha K, “Grilled Cheese (& Other Things That Make My World Go ‘Round)”

Original Photo © Samantha K, “Grilled Cheese (& Other Things That Make My World Go ‘Round)”

When tragedy happens in your own backyard, it slices through to the very core of your beinga tiny sharp needle, cutting through skin and bone to your soul and injecting a cold terror unlike anything you’ve felt before.

It makes it real. The death, destruction, horror that happens in the world every day. In a heartbeat, tragedy changes from something you watch on the nightly news to something that has happened in the buildings you’re familiar with, in the streets you’ve walked before, to people you know.

Columbine. 9/11. The Aurora shooting. Sandy Hook. Fort Hood. Scores of other shootings, attacks, terrorism.

You watch these things happen on TV, and you think it seems real. You watch people fleeing in terror, screaming, crying, blood-stained clothing and visible injuries. You think you know what it’s like to be watching the footage and making desperate phone calls to family and friends in the area, hoping you won’t reach their voicemails. You think you know what it’s like to walk those same streets again and feel a flood of emotions so strong you can’t hold them in.

You think you know. Until it happens, and then you realize these things you thought you knew, you didn’t know at all.

But there’s something else you didn’t know. How do these people pull themselves together after these tragedies? How do the people in these towns, in these cities, in these countries, leave home every day having seen what they’ve seen? How do they overcome the fear, the anger, the sorrow? How do they face the world knowing, really knowing, that what they thought would never happen here…has happened?

Now you know. Now, we know.

“If you are going through hell, keep going.”

– Winston Churchill

We came together as a community. We opened our homes, our businesses, to the people affected that day and the week that followed. We gave donations, we gave blood. We rallied at sporting events—something that defines our city and the people who live in it and the people who love it—sang our hearts out from bleacher seats and couches alike during The Star-Spangled Banner at that first Bruins game, choked back tears and cheered during Big Papi’s speech at Fenway. We created a memorial for Sean Collier, Krystle Campbell, Lingzi Lu, Martin Richard, and all those injured from the blasts—a memorial so beautiful, so vast, that the city is cataloging each and every piece to be preserved in the archives.

We cried, we mourned. We still cry, we still mourn. But we never gave up, never will give up.  We didn’t stay down when they knocked us down. We stood up determined, resilient, stronger than we were before.

That’s how you pull yourself together, how you face the world in the wake of terror, how you overcome the pain and the sadness and the grief. You find a way to stay connected to your community. You attend the memorial at the Boston Public Library, you wear your “Boston Strong” t-shirt or your Boston Marathon windbreaker, you hold up “B Strong” banners at Bruins and Red Sox games and cheer for everything it means to be Boston.

You take comfort in knowing you’re not alone.

Boston Strong isn’t a slogan, isn’t a selling point. It’s the new way of life for our community. It embodiesin two perfect wordshow we have recovered from the bombings, and how we will continue to recover. It’s how we will survive. It’s how we will overcome.

Boston Strong means just that. We are Boston. We are strong. We will persevere.